Free Sunday | February 2

Free Sunday | February 2

On Sunday, February 2, come and appreciate the talent of the young musicians from le Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski and explore our snowy trails on snowshoes.

The trails of the Gardens will be open free of charge from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The concert will take place at 1:30 p.m. in the Aire Desjardins of the Great Hall. Access to the concert is free, but you must register to attend. Register at the bottom of the page!

It will be composed of four violin students from Élise Lavoie's class, followed by a piano and strings quintet from James Darling's class. Michel-Alexandre Broekaert will accompany the solo violins.

Works by Rebecca Clarke, Bartók, Brahms and Schumann will be performed by Jules-Alex Banville (piano), Rose Lavoie-Darling and Éloïse Gosselin (violins), Jean-Félix Ouellet (viola) and Émile Quimper-Bouchard (cello).


This event is made possible thanks to the financial participation of the Council for Canadian American Relations.

There are no available places for this event.

Feb 02, 2025
From 12 PM to 4 PM